
If your SOLU has a "Mailer" you can send newsletters.

Create newsletter

    1. Select "Mailer" tab and press the green plus sign to "Add newsletter".
    2. Give your newsletter a "Subject".
    3. Insert content to different positions
      • Center position is a wide position where you can add a header picture if wanted. Maximum width to a picture is usually 600px or less. You can also write content here.
      • Other positions are for adding text and links.
    4. Send or schedule newsletter or save it as a draft.

PLEASE NOTE: Newsletters will not always behave the same in different email programs and webmail services that the receiver might have. That's why you can't for example align pictures.

From "Sender" you can choose the sending email address.

Draft is saved but not send yet. You can edit a draft and send it later on.

From "Schedule" you can select specific time when the newsletter will be sent.

From "Test send" you can test the newsletter and send it for example to yourself before sending it to customers.

"Send now" will send newsletter right away to selected mailing list, profiles and possible additional users.

Newsletter receivers

When selecting receivers, newsletters are commonly sent to mailing lists that you have created. There is also an option to send newsletters to profile groups and additional receivers.

In the Additional receivers field you can enter additional email addresses to receive the email. Please note that you need to input only one email per line. The checkbox "Add these emails as users" when selected will add these emails as users if the email is not reserved already. If you decide to add these as your eCRM users, it's a good idea to add them to a new mailing list by typing a name for a new mailing list. Optionally you can use this feature as an import tool to just add the users and choose not to send or schedule the email at this point.

When adding users this way, you might want to copy paste them from a chart where each row represents an user. This way of importing also supports specifying the user's first and last name, but these are not required.

Email First name Last name Test Case Another Example

In the example above the third user's first name will be parsed from the email, resulting with a first name "cecilia" and last name "clarkson". To be specific, these fields must be separated by either a space, tab, comma or semicolon.

Additional receivers Users copy pasted from a chart. The values can be separated by either a space, tab, comma or semicolon. The order of the values is "email, firstname, lastname" where firstname and lastname are optional.