Views of media


Pro tip!

Pressing your keyboards "Tab"-key focuses to the search box immediately!


In "Media" you control all the files, images, flashes and videos of your website.

Search, item count, paging and column sorting

Media - Paging and item count

Search-box is located on the top right corner of the screen. Media search will make queries from item names, desriptions and ID-number.

Item count selector enables you to choose how many items you want to see listed per page.

Pager will automatically be visible when needed.

Column sorting is a easy way to sort data in lists. Just press the column you want to sort, for example "Modified" and SOLU will automatically sort the items by the modified date. Pressing it again will reverse the sorting.

Mass operations

Media - Mass operations

Mass operations is a nifty way to make tasks that affect multiple items (files, pictures, videos or flash) at the same time.

For example instead of deleting files one by one, you can check the little box on the left side of every item, choose "Delete" from mass operations and all the checked items will be deleted simultaneously. This is especially good when getting rid of old, unused items from your Media!

Mass grouping helps you to add a group-tag to selected items. This helps you to group "Non-groupped" items so that your Media listings and hierarchy remains logical. 

Mass operation actions are different in eCRM Users-list and Shop Orders-list. 

Mass upload

Mass upload

Instead of uploading files manually to media gallery you can also use Solu Mass upload feature. This is useful if you have many files to upload at the same time.

1. Choose the files you want to upload by clicking Selaa.../Select... button. You can also Drag and drop the files you want to upload and drop them to your browser window while you are in Media section and Solu will upload those files to Media.
2. Remember to click Save to gallery. You can also choose to Add to group. If you choose not to add to group Solu will upload these files as ungrouped and they will show in All items in Media section.

Group selector

Media - Groups

All your content in Media can be sorted to "Groups". To show all the items belongin to certain group just select the wanted group from the group selector on the left.  

You can see how many items there is in certain group  from the Files, Images, Flashes and Videos tab. Clicking the tabs will remember the selected group.

All items - Shows all the items in your Media.

Not grouped items - You can also see all the items in your Media that have not been groupped at all. 

Not used items - This options lists all the items in your media that are not used in your site anywhere. 

Learn how to create and edit groups