
Groups are for organizing the media files. Files can be added to multiple groups. This will not create duplicate of the file, the file will still be stored in File/Images/Flashes/Videos -gallery, but it will be easier to find and organize files with groups.

You can add different kind of files to a same group. Groups can be then added to a page. For example adding Image Group to a page will add only the pictures of this group. Adding File Group will add files.

More about using picture and file groups.

Creating a new group

Media - Groups
  1. Press the plus sign to Add group in Media section.
  2. Give a name to the new group.  This group will be added as a parent group.
  3. If you want to make a subgroup click the plus sign on the right of the group you want to add the subgroup to. You can also edit the groups later on and change their places.

Editing groups

  1. Press the edit (pencil) sign on the right of the group you want to edit.
  2. Change the name or select a parent group from the dropdown if you want to make this group a subgroup.
Edit group
Edit group

Deleting groups

  1. Select the group you want to delete from the group tree and press the edit icon.
  2. Click "Delete".

PLEASE NOTE: Deleting a group will also delete all the subgroups that are under this group. If you dont want to delete them, please move them. You can move groups by selecting different Group parent or by selecting No parent group.

If you accidentally delete a group this will not delete all the Files/Images/Flashes/Videos in this group. These files will only be ungrouped. You can find ungrouped files by selecting Non-Grouped items from the Group selector in desired gallery and regroup the files.

More about the Group selector and Mass operations