View of Pictures

Media - Pictures

Pro tip!

Want to add a high resolution image for press release that is more than 72 dpi and 1300px / 1300px in size?

Add the image as a file and make a downloadable link from it to your page! Like this:


SOLU supports all picture file types that are web friendly: jpg, gif and png. Please note that the larger your files size is, the slower your web page will be! So always try to optimize the file size as low as possible.

If you upload a picture that has dimensions larger than 1300 px / 1300px and want to use it as a thumbnail in your content SOLU will automatically reduce it to web friendly dimensions. 

Adding pictures

Media - Add image
  1. Click on the green plus sign on the tab-bar.
  2. On the dialog choose a image from your computer that you want to add to SOLU
  3. Give your image file a good and descriptive name
    • Inventing a helpful title and description for your file will greatly help search engine optimization and usability. Also internal searches in Media give you better results when you name your images logically.
  4. Giving your image a description is optional. 
    • Description is usually shown underneath the image in your content or thumbnail. Note that the description won't show anywhere until you have actually added the image in to  your web page! You can modifiy the description to be different depending of the page that you add it to.
  5. Choose a group for the image (optional)
  6. Choose a profile for the image (optional)
  7. Save

Editing pictures

Edit picture

Start editing the file by clicking the image name.

File path / Original file name - This is a path to your original file. The numeric section of the path is your files ID-number. So if you want to link directly to a file in a Rich text field you can use this path for that.

Upload a new file - If you want to replace your old image with an updated one just click here, choose the new image from your computer and save. This will replace the old file with a new one everywhere on your web page. The change only affects the image itself not any given names or descriptions you might have changed per page.

Used in - Shows where the files is used in your web page. This will list all the pages, news and data cards where you have used this file. Clicking the links will direct you to any given page / news / data card.