Page info

Page info


Page name which is displayed in navigation bar.


Choose template, normally there is templates especially for frontpage and product pages or other custom pages. Default template is recommended to use in basic content pages.


This checkbox controls if the page is published or unpublished. When you create a new page it is always automatically unpublished and will show red in Structure Tree.  You can also publish pages with Scheduling

You can choose to show the published page in:

Menu - Page is shown at the navigation bar.

Sitemap - Page is shown in the sitemap.

Search - Page can be found in search.


If a page is updated and shouldn’t be in the public structure but you might need it later, you can place the page in the Archive by clicking "Archive" link in the page info.  

You can publish archived pages again after moving them somewhere else in the page tree. Archive can be found at the bottom of the structure tree.


If you want to copy a page press "Copy" on the page info and select the page you want to copy. This will create a copy from the page and all the subpages of this page.

When you copy a page the new page has the same name by default and it's not published yet. So you need to change the name in the page info and publish the new page.


Deleting pages moves them to the trashcan first. Deleting a page with child pages will also delete the sub pages. 

You can restore, archive or delete pages permanently from the trashcan.

The trashcan empties itself periodically.


Clicking "More" will open more options in the Page info. These options are explained in the following pages: